PC-Config 9.33
Sysinfo Software for DOS
if you need a small DOS based software to evaluate the hardware of a x86
machine, PC-Config may help you.
Main features:
complete hardware detection including CPU, CPU Speed, RAM size, HDD size,
-brand, -version, VGA chip, PCI slot cards...
finds mainboard vendor (ASUS, Gigabyte, Biostar ...)
has details SDRAM info on Intel-chipset-based-mainboard (maker, speed, size,
runs from DOS, fitts on a DOS boot disk to test even Linux/OS2 machines or
barbones without HDD
needs only about 400k free RAM, VGA, EGA or Hercules Display
can be driven by commandline parameter and redirect all output to file or
latest improvements:
detects ATI Radeon SDR, DDR and All-in-Wonder versions
detects Nvidia Geforce2 MX, Quadro MXR and Quadro2 Pro versions
detects 3Dfx Voodoo 4 & 5 AGP and PCI versions
detects Matrox G400 Max and G250 LE VGA chipsets
detects AMD K6-2+ and K6-3+ CPUs, Athlon Thunderbird CPU
detects VIA Cyrix III CPU
detects Nvidia GeForce2 GTS VGA chips, S3 Savage 2000 chip
PRO Version: shows detailed info on SDRAMs on Intel mainboards eg.
PC66/PC100/PC133, vendor name, S/N, ECC/Parity, CAS Latency...
detects Intel 810E, 820, 840 chipset
detects Pentium III/E version (256k on-die-L2-cache, "Coppermine")
detects ATI Rage 128 PRO Chips, GL, VR, PCI, AGPx2, AGPx4
shows chip- and memory-frequency on ATI Rage 128
detects some rare older 486-types eg. iP24C, iP24D, UMC486DX2...
detects VGA-chips Nvidia TNT2 Pro, Ultra, Model 64 types and GeForce 256,
GeForce DDR and Quadro
PC-Config requires MS-DOS from Version 3.0 or newer or any compatible DOS
version. Works with Windows95 & Windows98 DOS boxes. Does not work with
OS/2, Windows NT, Windows 2000. Try to see...
PC-Config was developed since 1989 but development has stopped 2000 due
to lack of interest in DOS software. I thank my customers for the feedback
and support during the last years.
PC-Config is declared as freeware and comes with no warranty.
The program and instructions are handed over as seen, the author takes no
responsibility for the suitability of the program for any particular purpose.
In particular, the author takes no responsibility for damage or consequences
directly or indirectly intentionally or unintentionally which may arise from
use of the program or its documentation.
Use it of your own risk. If it crashes your machine, it´s your problem.
Make a backup first, then start PC-Config.
But don´t worry. There are several thousand customers out there, who
used it with pleasure.

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PC-Config Download
download english pro version 9.33
here mirror
here or
download german pro version 9.33
here mirror
here or
a DOS bootdisk can be found
some screenshots can be found
wanna have the sourcecode?
click here |

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Final words:
Sorry, no support, no further development. Use it as is.
Thanks to:
my friends from Clausthal
the guys from Zerberus Network
Jim Blackler
Keith Petersen at simtelnet.net
Dave Williams for the
Technical Referenz for MS-DOS and the IBM PC
Ralf Brown for The Interrupt
Andrew Rossman & Steve Grant for
the guys from
B&S Card Service
the guys at pair.com
my happy customers in New Zealand, Hongkong, Japan, South Africa, Island,
The US and all over the world
my wife
E Holin